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How Does Your Giving Make A Difference?
Your faithful giving helps us to reach our community in so many ways. Community outreaches, Duffel of Love, our food pantry, Loads of Love, and Stepping in Love are just a few of the ways that your faithful giving is put to use in our community!
Your giving allows JCIWC to hold weekly services, weekly classes, monthly events, summer camps, retreats, and so much more. It is through your faithful giving that we can help so many people grow in their faith! Thank you!
We are able to help send the gospel around the world by sponsoring missionaries. Because you give we are able to help ensure that missionaries are able to get supplies that they need, such as bibles and other materials. Together we can fulfill the great commission!

Make a donation.
Partner with us to become a storehouse. Together we can help create avenues and opportunities to present the gospel and introduce people to Jesus. Thank you for your giving.